Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Chronological Index: Ancient History: Ancient Near Eastern History:

Ancient History:

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The history of Sumer spans the 5th to 3rd millennia BCE in southern Mesopotamia, and is taken to include the prehistoric Ubaid and Uruk periods. Sumer was the region's earliest known civilization and ended with the downfall of the Third Dynasty of Ur around 2004 BCE. It was followed by a transitional period of Amorite states before the rise of Babylonia in the 18th century BCE.« -- More information: Wikipedia

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

1. P r o s e c u t i o n
Legislation: General | Inquiry: - | Trials: - | Arbitary Law: - | Frequency: -

2. C a s e s
Biblical Cases: - | Fictional Cases: - | Mythological Cases: Mythological Offenders: Enki, Enlil, Šukaletuda; Mythological Victims: Inanna, Nin-imma, Nin-nisig, Ninkurra, Ninlil | Real Cases: -

3. T y p e s
General: Rape | Body: - | Circumstances: - | Frequency: Serial Rape | Killing: - | Offenders: - | Places: - | Purposes: - | State of Emergency: - | Victims: Slave Rape

4. O f f e n d e r s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: -; Biological Status: Gods: Kinship: Fathers; Mental Status: -; Professions: -; Social Status: - | Circumstances: External Circumstances: -; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Physical Consequences: -; Reactions: -

5. V i c t i m s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: -; Biological Status: Gods; Indirect Victims Groups: -; Kinship: Daughters; Mental Status: Sleep; Physical Status: Virginity; Professions: -; Social Status: Married Women, Slaves, Unmarried Women | Circumstances: External Circumstances: -; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Mental Consequences: -; Physical Consequences: -; Reactions: -; Social Consequences: -

6. S o c i e t y
Institutions: - | Movements: - | Politics: - | Rape Culture: -

7. R e s e a r c h
Disciplines: - | Education: -

8. R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
Acoustical: Music: -; Radio: - | Textual: Historiographical Texts: -; Literary Texts: General; Philosophical Texts: -; Press: -; Religious Texts: -; Song Texts: -; Speeches: -; Travel Writing: - | Visual: Art: -; Comics: -; Dance Theatre: -; Fashion: -; Films: -; Musical Theatre: -; Photography: -; Television: -; Video Games: -